Backbencher. Most mischevious of the lot. Looking to do new things. Finding ways to express. And suddenly, life happens.

You enter a rut. You work hard to fulfil the “societal chores” … graduation: check; marriage: check; kids: check; steady income: check; you get the picture.  You’ve mastered the art of wearing multiple disguises – of a boss, a colleague, a loving parent, a strong spouse, a caring child, among others.

Overtime, the monotony starts killing. Digging the grave deeper are family feuds, parents’ deteriorating health, rebellious children and an overall sense of being lost.

Introspection makes you resolute – to find the actual YOU. Even if for a short while, the desire is to be yourself.

Laptop powers ON …

Google search opens …

Ponders …

Types …

Events around me … scrolls through 25 options …

“I don’t want to go clubbing – not my style. Need to be back in office on Monday. Trekking would be too tiring. Cycling, similar. A 100 km motorcycle ride … interesting … rekindles memories of a 100km ride done with a couple of friends during college days … let me read more …”

*Makes mental note*

10 days …

2 months …

5 months …

The unrest within, peaks.

Stars align.

The call is made …

The first hour on the bike, the mind is still cluttered … trapped

The second hour, it is in denial … wondering if it was the right decision

Then gradually, the mind begins shedding all disguise …

You smile …

You start talking … appreciating yourself

The first step to rediscover the YOU has been made

The journey has just started …